Let us help you get there.
Founded in 2018 and based in Boston, Massachusetts, Edlot is a trusted community marketplace for people to purchase discounted school supplies.
Whether buying a single pencil or a pallet of notebooks, Edlot negotiates with multiple supply chains to find the best deals. With great customer service and
a growing community, Edlot is one of the best ways for academics of all kinds to save money on school supplies.
Customer care was our center focus from the beginning. After hearing stories of teachers having to pay out-of-pocket for school supplies, our founder began to think of ways to make school supplies less expensive and more accessible.
Our vision is that school supplies should be free for teachers and students in need, but we had to start somewhere. In speaking with educators, the bottomline was always the same, cost. So we quickly began finding suppliers who offered bulk discounts and excess inventory deals that we could pass on to students and educators.
Adron Gordon started Edlot with an idea that education is the foundation of all civilization, therefore, educators should never have to pay for supplies. To begin the process, we must first make school supplies less expensive and more accessible. Educators should be able to adequately meet their budget and fulfill their supply needs without going out-of-pocket.